Our objection against the People’s Republic of China 我地對中國之譴責聲明

– We object the PRC’s heavy-handed intervention of Hong Kong’s internal affairs, in particular their recent attempt to contravene the Sino-British Joint Declaration through the release of the white paper. Their contriving of the 17th August protest aimed towards disrupting Hong Kong’s domestic politics is also a breach of the Declaration. We demand that PRC withdraw from Hong Kong.

– We condemn the illegal Chinese invasion of Hong Kong, an act that violates both the Sino-British Joint Declaration and human rights. We also protest against the forceful conversion of Hong Kong citizens’ nationality from British to Chinese, carried out by the PRC through the Declaration; it is a clear breach of human rights and an discriminatory act against the people of Hong Kong, and a poorly disguised invasion. We demand that PRC withdraw from Hong Kong.

– We rebuke the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of PRC for their false accusations of the United Kingdoms’ interference in Hong Kong’s affairs; such accusations also serve as propaganda towards the people of Hong Kong. As the country that brought civilisation to Hong Kong, as well as one of the signatories of the Sino-British Joint Declaration, the United Kingdoms is responsible for Hong Kong and her people, and therefore responsible for helping Hong Kong escape Chinese annexation.

Objection against the People's Republic of China, 對中國之譴責聲明
Objection against the People’s Republic of China, 對中國之譴責聲明

– 譴責中國嚴重干預香港內政,近日更以《白皮書》形式竄改《中英聯合聲明》,並策動8.17示威以干擾香港內政,違反《中英聯合聲明》,要求中國撤出香港;

– 斥責中國以非法及違反人權之《中英聯合聲明》入侵香港,抗議中國於《聯合聲明》中,擅自更改英籍港人國籍為中國籍,違反人權及歧視港人,以試圖掩飾其侵略罪行,要求中國撤出香港;

– 譴責中國外交部經常作出失實聲明,誣蔑英國干預香港事務,以圖誤導港人。英國作為領導香港走向文明之師,更為《中英聯合聲明》簽署國之一,關心香港及港人,並協助港人走出中國魔掌,乃盡心盡責之舉。

對中國之譴責聲明, Objection against the People's Republic of China ,
Objection against the People’s Republic of China ,

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