Emblem 徽號


The Emblem of the Hong Kong-UK Reunification Campaign

The emblem of the Hong Kong-UK Reunification Campaign comprises of four parts: The coat of arms of (British) Hong Kong, the Union Flag, olive branches and the words “Hong Kong-UK Reunification Campaign 香港歸英運動”。

The coat of arms of Hong Kong was placed in the middle part of the emblem of the Campaign. The coat of arms symbolizes the aim of our campaign – reunite Hong Kong with the United Kingdom. The coat of arms had been in use in British Hong Kong since it was granted on 21 January 1959 and later adopted on the colonial flag in July of that year. The use of the arms (by the Hong Kong Government) ended in 1997 due to the illegal transfer of sovereignty of Hong Kong. The arms featured two traditional Chinese junks facing each other, and on a red embattled chief a golden mural crown. The crest was a crowned lion holding a pearl, and the supporters were a lion representing British Empire (Great Britain/ The UK) and a dragon representing Qing Empire. The shield and supporters stood on a compartment, consisting of an island, with a scroll bearing the words “Hong Kong”. The two junks symbolise the importance of Eastern-type of trade on the sea surrounding Hong Kong. The naval crown symbolises Hong Kong’s links with the Navy and the Merchant Navy, and the battlements commemorate the Battle of Hong Kong during World War II. In the crest, the pearl held by the lion indicates the small but precious nature of Hong Kong. It also recalls the romantic phrase “Pearl of the Orient” referring to Hong Kong. The island symbolises the beginning of the colony as an island and represents the maritime and hilly geography of Hong Kong.

The Union Flag was featured behind the coat of arms of Hong Kong to symbolize the aim of our campaign and represent the close relationship between Hong Kong and the United Kingdom.

The olive branch symbolises peace and victory. It represents Hong Kong could reunite with the United Kingdom successfully in a peaceful way. There were 18 leaves and 18 olives representing the 18 districts in Hong Kong.

The words “Hong Kong-UK Reunification Campaign 香港歸英運動” was placed on top of the emblem.


香港歸英運動之徽號,以香港盾徽、英國旗、橄欖樹枝及「Hong Kong-UK Reunification Campaign 香港歸英運動」字樣組成。

香港歸英運動徽號之正中央為香港盾徽。香港盾徽喻意本運動「香港回歸英國」之目標。 此香港盾徽乃香港英治時期之徽號,自1959年1月21日頒佈及後於同年7月用於香港旗設計,至1997年7月1日因香港主權被非法移交而停用。 盾徽之正中部份,係一塊盾牌。該盾牌係整個盾徽之主體,盾牌上端以紅色為底色,繪有一枚海軍皇冠(Naval Crown),寓意皇家海軍同英國商船隊(Merchant Navy)對香港開埠之重要影響;下端以白色為底色,最下端畫有象徵海水之波紋,而海面上有兩艘左右對稱之中國帆船(帆船顏色有紅色、黃色同灰藍色等不同 版本),反映香港早期十分着重海上貿易。最後,盾牌之上、下端由一條象徵城墻之凹凸線條隔開,城墻本身則紀念1941年對抗日本侵略之香港攻防戰。 盾牌之左方和右方,分別繪有一隻頭戴皇冠之獅子,以及一條龍,作為盾牌之護盾獸。該獅子同龍都被漆上金黃色,兩者亦同樣以站立之姿勢互相對望。獅子代表英 國,龍則代表滿清帝國,兩者寓意英清兩國。最後,盾牌之上方繪有一隻頭戴皇冠,手持珍珠,面向盾徽左方之獅子,而抳顆珍珠正正寓意香港為「東方之珠」。香 港盾徽之最下方係一座綠色小島,圍上象徵海水之波紋,代表英國最初佔領之香港島,以及環海群山之地形。小島上方畫有一條橫置而呈暗黃色(另有白色版本)之 布條,上面以紅色寫上「香港」之英文「HONG KONG」。



徽號上端寫上「Hong Kong-UK Reunification Campaign 香港歸英運動」字樣。

(部份資料來源 Sources of partial information:Wiki)

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