e-Petition 網上聯署

Please sign the e-petition 請網上聯署:
(English) http://chn.ge/1QjGcyM
(中文) http://chn.ge/1FthYgv

Reunite Hong Kong with the United Kingdom and
Grant Hong Kong’s British Nationals (Overseas) who Support the Unification and Pledge Loyalty to the UK a Citizenship and Their Child/Children a British Nationality

As a colony of the United Kingdom from 1842, Hong Kong was listed as a non-self-governing territory under Chapter XI of the Charter of the United Nations that recognizes “the interests of the inhabitants of these territories are paramount”. However, Hong Kong was removed from the List in 1972 and later in 1997, the sovereignty of Hong Kong was transferred from the United Kingdom to totalitarian China, all without Hong Kongers’ consent. We should have the right of self-determination. Our language, cultural, political, economic, social, and educational advancements are all under threat from China. China intervenes and manipulates the internal affairs of Hong Kong. It breaches the terms of 1984 Sino-British Joint Declaration. We urge the United Kingdom, the International Court of Justice and the United Nations to declare the 1984 Sino-British Declaration void, resume British sovereignty over Hong Kong and put Hong Kong back on the List of Non-Self-Governing Territories.

Events in Hong Kong indicated China has no intention to uphold its end of the bargain. Many aspects of lives are undergoing rapidly deteriorating. Particularly finance, education, judiciary, immigration, policing, healthcare, human rights, freedom of speech and press are all in full retreat. We lost our border and immigration control soon after the unjust transfer of sovereignty of Hong Kong from the United Kingdom to China. The local and official languages in Hong Kong are Cantonese and English. However, children are misformed in schools that Mandarin is the standard language but not Cantonese. Our languages and unique culture are under threat. Brainwashing China-patriotic elements are penetrated across all subjects in education… these are just minor parts of the tip of the iceberg. Peking’s will and influence are the very obvious causes of these negative changes. The Chinese do not respect the terms on the 1984 Joint Declaration. In order to uphold British honour and integrity, we urge the United Kingdom to declare the 1984 Sino-British Joint Declaration void. Only with British leadership can the glitter on the Crown Jewel of the Orient shines again.

Hong Kongers have the right to determine Hong Kong’s political system. Until our collective voice expressed in a fairly conducted referendum, the United Kingdom has the duty to govern. We need support from the World especially the United Kingdom!

Please sign the e-petition:
(English) http://chn.ge/1QjGcyM
(中文) http://chn.ge/1FthYgv

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facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HongKongandUK.Reunite
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香港於1842年成為英國殖民地,因而列入《聯合國憲章 第十一章》之《非自治領土名單》內。根據該憲章,承認「領土居民之福利為至上」。但未經香港人同意, 香港於一九七二年被剔除於《名單》外,更於一九九七年主權從英國被移交至極權中國。我等應有自決原則之權利。我等之語言、文化、政治、經濟、社會及教育均受到中國威脅及破壞 。中國干預香港內政及操縱香港事務,違反《1984英中聯合聲明》,要求英國、國際法庭及聯合國宣告《1984英中聯合聲明》失效,香港主權回歸英國,並將香港重新列入《非自治領土名單》。

很 多香港發生之事件都顯示中國無意履行《1984英中聯合聲明》。香港各方面均急劇惡化,金融、教育、司法、入境移民、治安、醫療保健、人權、言論及新聞 自由尤為嚴重。自從香港主權從英國被非正當移交中國後,我等失去邊界及入境移民之控制權。香港本地及官方語言乃廣東話及英語。但小童返學時,被誤導中國北 方話為標準語言,而非廣東話。我等之語言及獨特文化正受威脅破壞。洗腦式愛中國主義之內容滲透各學科… 凡此種種乃冰山一角之小部份。顯然易見,北京政府之干預及操縱導致此等破壞。中國唔尊重《1984英中聯合聲明》之條文。我等要求英國宣告《1984英中 聯合聲明》失效, 以捍衞英國之榮譽及信譽。只有英國之領導方能令香港此顆東方皇冠寶石再次閃耀。


(English) http://chn.ge/1QjGcyM
(中文) http://chn.ge/1FthYgv

facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HongKongandUK.Reunite
twitter: https://twitter.com/hkisbritish
wordpress: https://hkukreunification.wordpress.com

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Reunite Hong Kong with the United Kingdom!